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Nurbs Studios

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Straight from the heart.
This studio has been through a lot. We've seen changes in staff just as we've seen projects change. Over the years, the studio has encountered it's own share of problems just like any other startup. We've been apart of expos and conventions, grateful as we are, we remain humble and honored to have met really amazing people, who still support us to this day. So thank you all, a simple Like to the studios page goes a long way.
As we all seen over the years with other higher end game development companies, Micro-Transactions and Loot Boxes have been the hot topic even till today. We all have read on forums, comments, and videos, on how people feel about these and other types of transactions such as F2P.
When Nurbs started, it started with the frustration of not only those things, but with the heart of willing to create a change in peoples minds and hearts. If we were to have any kind of transaction, then it'll be cosmetic. A skin or change in a video filter or something. It'll be seen as a simple add-on or DLC. Our view on DLCs is something that expands the game further, something that is downloaded into your system, not included with your purchase, only to unlock it later on. It's like buying a car in full but you have to make another purchase to unlock the use of the engine, another purchase for the use of the doors. You get the point. Our view on Addons is something that gives players other options, not a requirement nor a buff of any kind or pay to win.
When you buy something from us, do know that it's been tested aggressively. You're buying something that is finished (of course we will fix any bugs along the way) We are focused on you and your experience. Attention to detail is given from the code, level design, audio, advertisement, and everything else.
As you all may know by now, we've actually missed the October release date. Although it looks like a failure in the eyes of others, we have actually taken advantage of this time to add more of what we call pahzazz (piz·zazz) to the game. If we are going to do something, then let it be done right. Last thing we need is to get the feedback that these other high-end companies creating these war games are getting. We are not them. We care, a lot.
We love game development, we love the production behind it. We hope that once we release Installation 19 in 2019, you'll get to enjoy it as much as we enjoyed creating it. It's been a fun ride so far. The story for the next game is currently in pre-production. We all love and respect each and every single one of you and we would want you to buy Installation 19 when it comes out.
Keep on gaming.

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